Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Already 200 days in Italy

Transfer Calls: Anziano Stoll and I are locked in a supreme battle of missing blinks. A calculating inhalation only breaks the silence of our fight... Who can go the longest without blinking? Benge, or Stoll? Then suddenly the phone leaps off the table and charges us.
Ok, I didnt happen like that at all. But we did get transfer calls. Anziano Stoll is heading away to Liguria coasts while I will stay here at Padova.
My new companion will be Anziano Squire, who is apparently from Kansas, so I've heard. Anziano Driver is also staying, his comp. will be Anziano Scoggin or something.

This week we had some good lessons with Tenal, preparing him for his Baptism. We also met with Kenneth, and old investigator, he needed us to help him translate some English legal work into Italian, so we took oppurtunity. Our impromptu lesson of skill led to him accepting later dates to meet again. Cristiano is still avidly avoiding us it seems, super sad that.

Mostly, I just want to say, It is darn cold here. Once, the cold wind and biting shiverdemons here set off my cold and I stayed in a good long morning with aching glands and throat as sore as a cactus cufflink. The work is picking up, the outdoor traffic of pedestrians has vanished overnight, Gelaterie have been abandoned. Truly, the northern winds have conquered Padova. The good gospel still moves forth.


Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Progressivamente meglio

--Anziano Benge

I failed to send off the email from last week, our internet at the
church is non existent and nothing works when using Padova's wifi. I
am sending this from a mall. Technology is rather frustrating, is it
Today, I am sick. Yesterday I had a sore throat, today it has worsened
to tender swollen glands as well. It's not terrible, I'll be fine
unless it gets worse, but it is very tortuous to ride a bike until my
throat is rasped by heaving breathing.
Last week there was a Scambio, Anziano Beaulac and I were together
again for a day, this time I was here in Padova. While Beaulac and I
were teaching Tenal, our ex'Islamic friend, we invited him to baptism
at the end of October and he accepted! We are really nudging him in
ways he doesn't like, such as asking him to come to church when he
works every morning. He understands that he needs to be baptized and
come to church, but he is shy, and his difficult schedule hasn't been
changed. Tell you what though: it's great to have a bap- date.
We have another investigator here as well. An English speaking Indian
man (awesome phone sales accent included) who works at the downtown
library has given us permission to visit him often. He asks wonderful
questions, and already is excited to read the Book of Mormon we gave
him. The only problem again is schedule, he works two jobs every day.
He asked us to meet him at work for lessons (mental image: we all
stand together guarding a gallery door as we talk about the gospel),
so that's what we do.
Cristiano is struggling, he won't set appointments with us and doesn't
come to church. Wilfred, a new Nigerian, he has like epilepsy or
something and will suddenly stop talking with a four second pause and
blank look, he is fun and we've begun meeting.
I finally ate at a member's house last Thursday night. The bishop
invited us over to eat with his family, so we took a train to
Montegrotto Terme (a super old history site for Roman baths: see
photo) and ate with Vescovo Rosa's family. It was good.
This, I hope, was satisfying as news and I haven't forgotten stuff.
The temperature has cooled, autumnal storming nears, glands swell, and
success appears. My testimony has truly grown, and I know I have
brought others towards Christ. This mission is magnificent. Our
Heavenly Father has infinite love. Vi Voglio Bene.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Salboro, Finding, stuff like that


Another church (medieval) and Stoll's smiling face.
We also found a bunch of people suddenly wanting English class. On our last class (Tuesday) we had eighteen or so people show up, while usually we have maybe four, many of these new 'students' wanted to know about our church more. One couple will be meeting and having a lesson with the other Elders and in my intermediate class I even taught the Restoration. It's
A very exciting time!

One of the common outdoor markets that seem to happen every day.
The weather has changed, the wind is turned, the sky is casting cool clouds over us. He heat has diminished fabulously and autumn waits to be sprung. It's cool enough that I sleep with sheets and tonight I may use a blanket as well.
We did much finding work this last week, and we are dearly hoping that our 'friend pool' increases in depth. Agnis and Fred are much to busy to meet with, which is charitably infuriating, and Cristiano cannot meet because his car was taken (impounded by his mother it seems?) , we told him we can visit at his house or even a nearby park, but he says nothing about doing either. I wish we had his address.
His is the life here in Padova. Love it!
The mission is the best!
--Anziano BengeMy interesting part of this week was our trip to a small town called
Salboro. I loved it, it was so calm and Italian. The ride to the town
was about 40 minutes, and after we got there we were a little hesitant
to do missionary work because it was farther from the church than we
had expected. After working for some time, we ended up handing out
many pass along cards and we even got an inactive member's number that
we happened to meet. What "luck".

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Conference (di Kearon)

  As you may know, we had a mission conference last Wednesday from Elder Kearon of the Seventy. Our train left at 6:10 in the morning and we made our way to Modena. Sadly, I didnt see much of the city, and not even a glimse of the Ferrari factory, but the conference was grande.
  It all began with Kearon shaking every single missionary's hand, and then a brief talk by the President Dibb and his wife. They spoke on preparation and planning. Kearon added to that afterwards talking about attacking the day and pretty much everything else that had to do with missionaries.
  The spirit was strong, the conference lasted a long while, and it was a marvelous experience. One huge point we discussed was about the Spirit's role in conversion. We discussed how every true conversion for members was when a person became independantly reliable on the Spirit and our Savior. We also talked about example, and how it affects companions and members and investigators, and we also talked about a great deal of other things.
  I wish I could put more notes here.
The rest of the week has been a bit slower, sadder, all that... Brother Fred, he's going back to Nigeria so we cant meet with him until he returns. Fred and Agnis they have tougher schedules and we can hardly meet them. Tonight we cross our fingers and pray to meet.
Crisitano, he didnt come to church and his schedule also changed. We told him that church is switching to Sacrament first (a recent announcement from sunday) and he said he'll be there. We can hopefully meet with him next week.
The rest of everything has been finding work, passing cards, the Saturday 'mostra' that we do, and having people refuse to give phone numbers... its not terrible.
I do love this mission and I'm excited to see what I can do and change.
miss you all!
