Wednesday, March 30, 2016

The First and Last Supper

This week was the wonderful, blessed, holy day of Pasqua.
Easter here is celebrated from Thursday until Monday night, and
unfortunately for me, this was my only Easter in Italy. They hand out
giant chocolate eggs as gifts, and they have an alright seasonal
dove-shaped cake called Colomba that they eat.

Spring has brought me allergies, and also a slight sickness in my
belly. Nevertheless, the work goes on. Friday night we had dinner with
Sorella Letizia Boschi at her house, with Riccardo and her parents. We
ate delicious homemade pesto genovese, and creamy cheese potatoes, and
chocolate cake. We shared our Easter message and bore testimony. Anz.
Harris is struggling with the language enough that we've decided to
try speaking Italian 24/7 so he can participate more in lessons.

Sunday, heaps of people came to church, and it was a very spiritual
day. We had to do translation for the CTR 10 class, because there are
many visiting Americans. (Speaking of visits, this city is 'flowing'
with tourists. I am glad that I'll probably leave before summer when
it will go nuts)
Easter night, la sera Pasquale, we had a wonderful dinner with the
Morelli family. Brother Morelli is the one who did the direct
translation at the microphone for Elder Christofferson. His wife and
daughter were there, and his eldest son, Christian (the old ward
mission leader), is away on vacation in the US of A. We ate some nice
spinach pasta from Alto Adige, and roast potatoes, and well-made
chicken loaf stuff...I'm not sure if I could explain...

Not much else has happened, we've been doing finding, we watched Meet
the Mormons with Malu, and all of our other investigators seem to have
evaporated into 'quel vuoto che non ha fine'
Buona Pasqua!
I can't say much more, other than I know that our Savior lives. He is
the One who overcame death, both physical and spiritual, and he is the
head cornerstone of this Church. A Catholic man told us we would be
damned for preaching against the 'oldest religion in Italy', but I
only felt a quiet gratitude for our Lord and Mediator; the work is
hard, but I've felt his hand in the everyday life I give out here in
Firenze. I know He lives, I know He loves, and I know there's a plan
for each of us.
Study, pray, be good. Nel nome di Gesù Cristo, amen

--Anziano Benge

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