Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Approximately " " That Farther

Sorry everyone, the email sent with just that phrase. #awkward

So, as I was saying. Approaching the end is strange because all the
good you do feels like a last ditch effort. Members come to the
missionaries, asking if we can be at a service project on Feb. 11th,
but I won't be there.

I gave my final talk in the Italian Ward on Sunday. I spoke about the
important topic of living prophets. One part went much like this:
Thomas S. Monson is a prophet, seer, and revelator for this world and
time, and is the only man whom we sustain as so. The twelve Apostles
are special witnesses of Christ, and they too are chosen and called
specifically for our day. Adam didn't receive revelation on how to
build an Ark, and Abraham didn't receive commands on how to free the
Israelites from Egypt. Just as it is today, the prophet of 2017 has
been set apart to give God's words to us today in our need. We cannot
fully compare a living prophet with a defunct one, for they are there
to give tailored advice for that generation.

I hope someone was touched in the Ward by my words, and more
importantly, by the Holy Ghost. For all you reading this, just follow
prophetic counsel okay? If you don't know what was last testified by
President Monson, go reread the Ensign or Liahona. It will bless you
as you follow direction and promptings you feel.

Other than my talk, our week was a simple repetition of passing by
inactive members as the Bishop has asked. Nobody really does member
reactivation or Family home or visiting teachings, so it falls on the
missionaries. I disapprove, although it gives some good practice and
something to do. The bishopric could pass all of the members in a week
with a car, but instead we bike hours to come to find that the address
isn't even valid. Bene, oh well, we use the outside time to talk to
random people out walking their dogs. Others see our name tag. I guess
that's success.

Saturday we spent up in the mountains, talking with investigators,and
then we had a BBQ dinner with Daniel and his military friends. Good
discussion there, and good steak. We took home 2 kilograms of steak.

On Monday we were blessed to finally meet with a Ghanaian, Elvis, who
lives next to a beautiful Catholic Church in San Giovanni di Casarsa.
It was a 25 minute walk from the Casarsa train stop, so we were
worried when he didn't answer his phone at all that day. We instead
showed up, were let in, and we gave a brief 15 minute restoration
lesson to Elvis and his wife. They were grateful, and promised to read
and meet with us next week. Cool! They both treated the Book of Mormon
I'd like to point out that we met with these people because Elvis
requested a Book of a Mormon online. His words were "I was on the
internet, and I saw this book. I knew ai had to read it, so I asked
your church to send me one, or a Bible, or anything. God Bless you
that you came."

The lesson was short, and the Spirit was a brief fleeting tingle (the
only lighting was a disco ball and kids were wrestling each other),
but in that one moment we were a miracle to someone else.

Anyway, that is all! Here are photos from last Pday (Vittorio
Veneto/Serravalle) and Saturday.

Love you all!
--Anziano Benge
P.s - Again, I am sorry for the one-liner email, and especially those
who were unfortunate to get three emails from me today.

1- Ruins near Tramonti di Sotto, usually they're underwater, but the
lake is 9 meters too low.
2- Serravalle
3- Somewhere along the Meduna river?

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